
Welcome to my family genealogy.
This section contains photographs, narrative, ship manifests, census data, ..., arranged basically in chronological order.
Another section contains a genealogical Descendent Chart (Geni) and can be reached by clicking here.
A third section is a name index with links, and can be seen by clicking here.

Now lets begin the story
I'm breaking my family genealogy first into my father's and then my mother's sections as you can see below.

I placed an Index below (still a draft) so you can get directly to the person within the Genealogy you are interested in.

The first starts with grandmother Bella Schwartz's Romanian family since I know nothing of grandfather Julius Glickman's Russian side. Grandmother's family came from Jassy (Iasi, Jassi,...) Romania. Grandfather Julius came out of Russia, went to Romania, and married Bella about 1898-1899 with Millie being born early 1900.  According to the 1910 US Census grandmother Bella was his second wife.  He left Romania, reunited the family in England where Leah was born in November 1904, Israel (Isadore) in November 1905, and Mary in November 1907.  He emigrated to Rochester, NY, in 1907,  and brought Bella and children over in 1910.

Link to father's family

Mother's family came from Suwalki in Poland. It was part of Russia then.  Grandfather Wolf Kanowicz (Kanowicz was the name on the ship's manifest; then changed to Cohen) arrived in Rochester in 1904, grandmother and children arrived in 1907 (name was Kanowicz also) on the SS Abraham Lincoln.

Link to mother's family

Index to the Genealogy

Family Member         First Mentioned                       Web Page

Bernstein, Ethel  (see Ethel Mendelson)
Bernstein, Isadore     
Bernstein, Leon         
Bernstein, Millie  (see Millie Glickman)
Bernstein, Mitchell
Budnitsky, Sore

Cohen, Belle              Mother's Family - Cohen                 Belle, Rose, Dorothy
Cohen, David
Cohen, Debbie
Cohen, Dorothy          Mother's Family - Cohen                Belle, Rose, Dorothy
Cohen, Gail
Cohen, Jack                 Mother's Family - Cohen    x
Cohen, Jessie              Mother's Family - Cohen
Cohen, Leon/Chuck
Cohen, Marilyn
Cohen, Morris             Mother's Family - Cohen   x
Cohen Cohen, Rose  (Morris Cohen's wife)
Cohen, Rose                Mother's Family - Cohen                 Belle, Rose, Dorothy
Cohen, Rosella
Cohen, Sandy  (see Sandy Lazier)
Cohen, Sarah              Mother's Family - Cohen       (= Sore Budnitsky)         
Cohen, Wolf               Mother's Family - Cohen

Glickman, Benarta
Glickman, Ilene          Father's Family                      Ilene's Genealogy
Glickman, Isaac
Glickman, Isadore      Glickman Family Genealogy
Glickman, Jack           Father's Family
Glickman, Jessie  (see Jessie Cohen)
Glickman, Joseph        Glickman Family Genealogy
Glickman, Leah           Glickman Family Genealogy
Glickman, Mark          Father's Family
Glickman, Mary          Glickman Family Genealogy
Glickman, Millie        Glickman Family Genealogy
Glickman, Philip
Glickman, Richard    Father's Family 
Glickman, Steven       Father's Family                      Steve's Genealogy
Glickman, Stuart        Father's Family
Glickman, Tara  (see Tara Hardy)
Glickman, Wendy       Father's Family                      Wendy's Genealogy
Goldberg, Belle  (see Belle Cohen)
Goldberg, Nate

Hardy, Tara
Horwitz, Barry
Horwitz, Ben
Horwitz, Ilene  (see Ilene Glickman)
Horwitz, Jake

Kanowicz, Beile  (see Belle Cohen)
Kanowicz, Chana (see Rose Cohen)
Kanowicz, Ettel   (see Jessie Cohen)
Kanowicz, Meische   (see Morris Cohen)
Kanowicz, Schloime 
Kanowicz, Sora   (see Sara Cohen)
Kanowicz, Wolf   (see Wolf Cohen)

Lazier, Sandy
Limer, Fred
Limer, Rebecca  (see Rebecca Schwartz)

Murphy, Daniel
Murphy, Melissa
Murphy, Susan  (see Susan Winograd)
Murphy, Tom

Newman, Harry
Newman, Millie  (see Millie Glickman)

Rotenberg, Ruth

Sadick, Gail  (see Gail Cohen)
Sadick, Neil
Sadick, Sara
Schwartz, Bella           Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Eva              Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Goldie/Gussie   Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Pessa            Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Rebecca        Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Sofia             Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Zalman          Glickman Family Genealogy
Schwartz, Zalman parents  Glickman Family Genealogy
Silverman, Leah  (see Leah Glickman)
Silverman, Sam

Winograd, Marilyn  (see Marilyn Cohen)
Winograd, Robert
Winograd, Susan